Springfield Armory Prodigy Compact 1911 DS 3.5" 9x19


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2'098.00 CHF inkl. MwSt.

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The Prodigy Compact from Springfield Armory® takes the proven 1911 platform and enhances it with double-stack capacity and a carry-focused feature set. Reconfigured around a 15-round double-stack magazine, the Prodigy’s compact polymer grip module mounts to its lightweight aluminum frame to reduce weight, while a shortened beavertail and recontoured hammer further downsize the overall footprint. Optics ready with a tritium front sight and and Picatinny rail the Prodigy Compact combines the most beloved characteristics of the 1911 with modern capacity for EDC.


The stainless steel 3.5-inch bull barrel is finished in black DLC and forged for unmatched strength.


The compact grip module combined with the shortened beavertail and recontoured hammer downsize the Prodigy Compact for carry.


The Prodigy Compact features the Agency Optic System (AOS) paired with a tritium front sight post.

  • Caliber
  • Color
  • Barrel
    3.5" Forged Stainless Steel, Black DLC, Match Grade, Bull, 1:16
  • Slide
    Forged Carbon Steel, Black Cerakote®, Optics-Ready
  • Frame
    Billet 7075-T6 Hardcoat Anodized Aluminum, Black Cerakote®
  • Sights
    Tritium Front, Black Serrated Rear
  • Recoil System
    Captured Guide Rod
  • Grips
  • Magazines
    (2) 15-Round
  • Weight
    25.5 oz
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