Springfield Armory Echelon 4" Compact OSP 3 Dot Tritium Cal 9x19


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795.00 CHF TTC

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Engineered for carry, the Echelon™ 4.0C retains the key features of the full-size model, with a shorter 4-inch barrel and compact frame for enhanced concealability. Its revolutionary Variable Interface System provides unmatched direct-mount compatibility with today's leading red dot sights, complemented by tritium three-Dot irons for fast target acquisition. The serialized Central Operating Group is housed in a compact frame, offering a 15-round capacity with the flush magazine and 18 rounds with the extended magazine.

Compact Dimensions

Shortened at the frame and muzzle, the Echelon 4.0C boasts full-size features in a concealable package.

Central Operating Group

The Central Operating Group is self-contained and serialized, providing a robust housing for the patent pending system.

3-Dot Tritium Sights

For enhanced day and night visibility, self-illuminating tritium inserts are housed within the 3-dot sight system on the Echelon.

  • Caliber
  • Color
  • Barrel
    4" Hammer Forged Steel, Melonite® Finish, 1:10
  • Slide
    Billet Machined, Melonite® Finish, Optics-Ready
  • Frame
    Black Polymer
  • Sights
    Tritium 3-Dot
  • Recoil System
  • Grip Width
  • Magazines
    (1) 15-Round, (1) 18-Round
  • Weight
    24 oz w/ Flush Mag, 25 oz w/ Extended Mag
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