Springfield Armory 1911 Emissary AOS Pistol 5" 9mm Agrandir l'image

Springfield Armory 1911 Emissary AOS Pistol 5" 9mm


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1'858.00 CHF TTC

En savoir plus

The Emissary AOS in 9mm features an all-black Cerakote® finish and custom 1911-style enhancements for a serious defensive pistol. Its 5” barrel is paired with a “Tri-Top” cut slide with 40 LPI flat-top serrations, and a heavy-profile bull barrel for maximum accuracy and reduced muzzle flip. With a forged slide and frame for strength and durability, the Emissary seamlessly blends form and function. The pistol also includes the Agency Optics System (AOS) with plates compatible with popular footprints like RMR, Shield, Delta Point Pro, and Docter. Each AOS plate has an integral rear sight for proper optic height and an intuitive sight picture, providing a visible co-witness in nearly all configurations.


The 5-inch bull barrel assembly is fit to a Tri-Top slide with lightening grooves and a serrated top strap to reduce glare.


Developed in collaboration with Agency Arms, AOS employs a series of plates fitting a wide variety of today’s most popular optics. The Emissary AOS Ships with a cover plate.


An all-black Cerakote® finish pairs flawlessly with the blacked-out grips, trigger, and barrel for a covert aesthetic.

  • Caliber
  • Color
  • Barrel
    5" Forged Stainless Steel, Nitride, Match Grade, Fully Supported Ramp, Bull, 1:16
  • Slide
    Forged Carbon Steel, Black Cerakote®, Optics-Ready
  • Frame
    Forged Stainless Steel, Black Cerakote®
  • Sights
    Tritium/Luminescent Front, Black Serrated Rear
  • Recoil System
    One Piece w/ Full Length Guide Rod
  • Grips
    VZ Grips® Thin-Line G10
  • Magazines
    (2) 9-Round
  • Weight
    43 oz
  • Length
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