Springfield Armory 1911 Garrison Pistol 5" Blued .45ACP


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1'198.00 CHF tax incl.

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Hot salt blued carbon steel and wood — the definition of tradition. The Garrison takes the classic and proven 1911 design and combines heirloom-quality construction with the modern features today’s shooters demand. The result is a rock-solid 1911 with forged steel construction, modern upgrades and the strength to provide a lifetime of service. For those who respect tradition and demand the best, the Garrison stands ready.


Featuring a subtle matte finish on the rounds and a high polish on the flats, the carbon steel Garrison with hot salt bluing exudes heirloom quality.


Featuring a proven design with more than a century of service behind it, the Garrison’s blued 7-round magazine ensures rugged reliability.


The checkered thinline wood grips of the Garrison 1911 feature a double-diamond pattern with the Crossed Cannon™ logo, giving shooters an attractive and rock-solid interface with the pistol.

  • Caliber
    .45 ACP
  • Color
  • Barrel
    5" Forged Stainless Steel, Match Grade, 1:16
  • Slide
    Forged Carbon Steel, Blued
  • Frame
    Forged Carbon Steel, Blued
  • Sights
    Low Profile Combat 3-Dot
  • Recoil System
    GI Style
  • Grips
    Thinline Wood
  • Magazines
    (1) 7-Round
  • Weight
    37 oz
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 Information: To buy firearms and essential elements, you must have or be able to obtain a weapon permit (WES/SON/PAA/PAE) in Switzerland according to. (Art. 8 al. 1 LArm and ss and art. 15 al. 1  ss OArm)
       If you fulfill this requirement and you purchase a firearm, please send us the WES / PAA  to the following address: Dynamik Arms SARL/Gmbh, 124 route d Annecy, 1257 Croix-De-Rozon Suisse

To Buy ammunition, we will need a copy of of less than 2 years old weapon permit (Waffenerwerbschein (WES / PAA)) with the same caliber as the ammo purchased that can be simply sent pdf by e-mail.

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