Springfield Armory Echelon 4" Compact OSP 3 Dot Tritium Cal 9x19


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795.00 CHF tax incl.

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Engineered with superior ergonomics and built to withstand the harshest conditions, the Echelon™ 4.5" 9mm pistol with three-dot tritium sights sets a new standard for modern, striker-fired duty pistols. With a host of patent pending features, this fully ambidextrous pistol is designed around a robust stainless steel chassis and a revolutionary optics mounting system. In addition, the Echelon's three-dot tritium sights ensure performance in low-light conditions.
The all-new Central Operating Group is self-contained and serialized, providing a robust housing for the patent pending operating system.
For enhanced day and night visibility, self-illuminating tritium inserts are housed within the 3-dot sight system on the Echelon.
By utilizing a set of movable pins, the Variable Interface System on the Echelon achieves a low, direct mount optics solution for improved sight picture and intuitive alignment.
    4.5" Hammer Forged Steel, Melonite® Finish, 1:10
    Billet Machined, Melonite® Finish, Optics Ready
    Black Polymer
    Tritium 3-Dot
    (1) 17-Round, (1) 20-Round
    23.9 oz w/ Flush Mag, 24.3 oz w/ Extended Mag
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 Information: To buy firearms and essential elements, you must have or be able to obtain a weapon permit (WES/SON/PAA/PAE) in Switzerland according to. (Art. 8 al. 1 LArm and ss and art. 15 al. 1  ss OArm)
       If you fulfill this requirement and you purchase a firearm, please send us the WES / PAA  to the following address: Dynamik Arms SARL/Gmbh, 124 route d Annecy, 1257 Croix-De-Rozon Suisse

To Buy ammunition, we will need a copy of of less than 2 years old weapon permit (Waffenerwerbschein (WES / PAA)) with the same caliber as the ammo purchased that can be simply sent pdf by e-mail.

      WARNING:  If you don't have such permit or have doubt on the possibility to obtain one, don't purchase the firearm, essential element or ammunition since we you will have a penalty of 30% of the firearm, essential element or ammunition sum for admin costs.


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