Springfield Armory M1A Scout Squad .308 Rifle Walnut View larger

Springfield Armory M1A Scout Squad .308 Rifle Walnut


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2'788.00 CHF tax incl.

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The M1A™ Scout Squad™ combines the legendary power and reliability of the M1A™ with the quick handling and fast sight acquisition of a scout-style rifle. This means your rugged outdoors life just got a whole lot better.

From the two-stage military trigger to the aperture-style rear sight (adjustable for windage and elevation), the Scout Squad™ takes the M1A™ design and adds a forward mount scope for the added versatility of extended eye relief optics. Its barrel is shortened to 18″, so its short, handy dimensions will never get in the way of your big plans.

Designed for quick snap shots at a target, the Scout Squad™ is packed with all the standard features that make the M1A™ great, plus new features like a specially designed muzzle brake to help tame recoil. The M1A™ Scout Squad™ gives you the maneuverability of a scout rifle with the same power and features of a legendary American rifle.

18" Barrel

The 18" carbon steel barrel on the M1A™ Scout Squad rifle possesses plenty of reach without unnecessary bulk or weight.

Forward Scout-Style Picatinny Rail

The M1A™ Scout Squad rifle is best complemented with a close quarters optic. The scout-style Picatinny mount is purpose-designed for that mission.

2-Stage NM Tuned Trigger

The Springfield Armory® 5-lb. match-grade trigger enhances the natural capabilities of the M1A™ Scout Squad rifle.

    • Caliber
      .308 WIN (7.62x51mm NATO)
    • Color
    • Barrel
      18" 6-Groove Carbon Steel, 1:11
    • Front Sight
      National Match .062" Blade
    • Rear Sight
      Military .0690 Aperture, MOA Adj. for Windage & Elevation
    • Stock
    • Trigger
    • Muzzle Device
      Muzzle Brake
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 Information: To buy firearms and essential elements, you must have or be able to obtain a weapon permit (WES/SON/PAA/PAE) in Switzerland according to. (Art. 8 al. 1 LArm and ss and art. 15 al. 1  ss OArm)
       If you fulfill this requirement and you purchase a firearm, please send us the WES / PAA  to the following address: Dynamik Arms SARL/Gmbh, 124 route d Annecy, 1257 Croix-De-Rozon Suisse

To Buy ammunition, we will need a copy of of less than 2 years old weapon permit (Waffenerwerbschein (WES / PAA)) with the same caliber as the ammo purchased that can be simply sent pdf by e-mail.

      WARNING:  If you don't have such permit or have doubt on the possibility to obtain one, don't purchase the firearm, essential element or ammunition since we you will have a penalty of 30% of the firearm, essential element or ammunition sum for admin costs.


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